Then do whatever you want to show up on the video. Afterwards, when you're ready to stop the recording, do the same. MMBN6 Cybeast Falzar - Timaeus Patch v22.1!įile > Record > Start AVI Recording to start recording. If you are playing on Visualboy Advance, which is a popular, stable GBA emulator, go to
If you ever use this patch and you like it, please do make gameplay videos of it. These changes include, but are not limited to: It is a file that when applied to your MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar (U) game ( and only that one), inputs in some preset changes that Timaeus has hacked into the game. It has been worked on by Timaeus and updated for over 3 years. The Timaeus Patch was created by timaeus22222 of on December 25, 2007.